DejaNET Communications is a Domain Service Provider for the registrar eNom. When a domain expires through eNom, it becomes inactive immediately, a parking page is displayed, and all the services attached to it, such as a website and/or email cease to function. It is not possible to make any updates to the domain while it is expired. The domain will remain available for reactivation at your regular domain rate plus additional fees (depending on whether the domain name is in grace period or redemption period).
To reactivate an expired domain name, please open a support ticket to ensure that the domain name is still actually available to be reactivated as well as your total fees owing. A client account must be in good standing and up to date before an expired domain name can be reactivated. Once a domain name is expired, it can only be reactivated by the expiring registrar and through the expiring Domain Service Provider.
Currently, eNom offers a non-guaranteed 29-day grace period for renewal for many TLDs. Each registry has different rules for their grace periods. There is no guaranteed grace period. Once a domain expires, eNom may dispose of it at any time according to the registration agreement. After the grace period elapses, the domain may go into a Redemption Grace Period (see Definitions of Redemption and Pending Delete).
We suggest you keep track of your domain expiration dates and renew well in advance to avoid unintentional down time or loss of the name. Invoices are sent out prior to expiration to warn you of the impending expiration.
Once you renew the domain, all previous settings will be recovered and the domain will be active (see Propagation Time for Registered and Reactivated Domains).
Renewal years are always added to the end of the current registration period (i.e., the new expiration date is the same whether you renew two months early or the day before expiration), so you will never lose time on your domain by renewing early.